Goals Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

This report takes a snapshot view from 5th April 2023. All salaried employees who worked in this month are included in the analysis along with all hourly paid employees who worked the week of 5th April 2023. On this date Goals employed 598 team members in the UK of which 39.1% were female and 60.9% male. The majority of our employees work in our 43 small-sided football centres located throughout the UK.

Relevant employees at snapshot date: 598


Our report on the gender pay gap follows the methodology set out by the Government and has been analysed using the guidelines. The analysis compares the hourly rates of pay between our male and female colleagues regardless of their roles.
Information and guidelines on the treatment of furloughed employees have been taken into account for this report.


The analysis below shows:

  • The mean hourly full pay gap is 10.1% in favour of males, and the median hourly full pay gap is zero.
  • The mean bonus pay gap is 51.2% in favour of males; and the median bonus pay gap is 55.7% also in favour of males.
  • 37.1% of all relevant males and 32.1% of all relevant females received a bonus payment in
    the 12 months preceding the snapshot date.

We are well aware that there is a gender pay gap when measuring all employees, however, this can easily be attributed to the business employing a larger proportion of male employees than female employees. These statistics, while not what we would wish nor aim for, mirror industry statistics where positions in football organisations are largely more attractive to males and not as a result of unequal pay.

Ian McDermott
Managing Director 

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